Call for paper
Full articles, written in English can be submitted from 9th December 2024 and before 21st February 2025 midnight in the form of a .pdf format.
Any submission requires a prior login on SciencesConf website to access one's personal space. To login or register and submit an article, click on "New submission" in the menu. Other forms of submissions will not be considered.
Each participant may submit only one article during the submission phase and present one article at the conference.
Articles must belong to one of the following topics:
- Banking ; crowdfunding
- Finance ; fintechs ; crypto-assets
- Monetary, fiscal and mixed policies
- Monetary theory, payment systems, money demand and price
- Stability and banking risks, Liquidity and contagion, Prudential regulation
- Competition and mergers in banking sector
- Governance and financing of non-financial companies, Venture capital
- Credit, asset prices and Economic cycles
- Financial Systems ; Growth and economic development
- Exchange rates, Trade and capital flows
- International monetary system and Financial crises
- Market Finance, Behavioral Finance, Funds and portfolio management
- Monetary and financial history ; Cliometry
- Pension funding and Insurance
- Green Finance ; Ecological transition funding
- Banking inclusion ; Mutualist banking; Micro-credit ; Social and solidarity finance
- Fiscal rules, fiscal discipline, fiscal federalism, automatic stabilization
The decisions of the scientific committee coordinated by the GDRE team and the local committee will be communicated to the authors by 18th April 2025 by e-mail.